Microsoft Office 2016 Windows 7/8/10 Baby Boy Download
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*** release
– Language: Spanish (ES-it)
– Channel: license volume
– Architecture: x86 / x64
– Proofing Tools: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, Portuguese (Brazil), English
– Updated March 8, 2016
*** Bonus folder
– activator KMSpico
-UBitMenu – menu (the menu and add the Office 2016 toolbar, the office in 2016) Adjust
– remove the old version (Office 2016 2013365, 2003, 2007, 2010)
-Wyczyść options Sign in office applications (Reg-file)
-Deaktywuj Telemetry 2016 (Reg-file)
*** Data Source
– x86:
– 64:
*** Compatibilityprevious versions
Microsoft has removed the option to delete a parallel version of Office with the release in 2016.
Part of the installer looks for and deletes all previous versions and does not allow the performance of older components. an earlier version of Outlook 2013/2010 with the release in 2016.
inshyslova, should not be confusedwith any version of Office.
To manually remove / delete / uninstall Office version (attached to the folder bonus), you can use Microsoft FIXIT tools.
This should remove all traces of the Office system.
*** Pack Microsfot Office 2016 volume editions
Unlike Click2Run volume book editionIt does not update the application using an account (file – account – update).
For abnavlennyavdlya VL versions of Office 2016, you must include the “updates for other Microsoft Update Product” in Windows Update.
However, Internet Explorer 11 can block access to the Microsoft Update service
-In Windows Update, you can not turn on automatic update of other products from Microsoft Update
– If you click the “More” Windows Update, Internet Explorer opens an inactive web page called the menu “Use Sarthe to praverytsAbnavlennya”.
how to recover
pierwszyOtwórz Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options, General tab, browsing history, delete all, click OK, and then close the Internet Options.
2. Go to compatibility and add “” Click OK and exit.
3. Goto Windows Update and click “Find more»
4. Internet Explorer opens a page with permission to install the component «Vista»
Accept and click DalejTylkoavtamatychnaya install Office 2016 VL updates included!
*** “
– Operating system: Windows 10, Windows 10 SP1 + server, the server 2012 R2 / R22012/2008
– version of .NET: .NET requires. Some features may not be installed on the system or the .NET CLR
*** Installation
– Remove all previously installed versions of the software supplied uninstall folder (bonus) and restart again defragmentation
– Insert / record / extract ISO file
– Activate using KMSpico after installing all products
– disable office 2016 Telemetry (RECOMMENDED – do not send personal information to Microsoft) – Fusion Reg REG «Disable Office 2016 Telemetry”
– Set UBitMenu adjuster (optional)
– Disable the «Login» in Office applications (optional- connect the file “Delete Log” register)